Top 50 Objective GK Question & Answer - Indus Valley civilisation

Top 50 Objective GK Question \u0026 Answer - Indus Valley civilisation
Top 50 Objective GK Question & Answer

Indus Valley civilisation 

1. The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at 
A. Harappa
B. Mohenjo-Daro
C. Ropar
D. Kalibangan
Answer: Option B 
2. The Social System of the Harappans was 
A. Fairly egalitarian
B. Slave Labour based
C. Colour Varna based
D. Caste based
Answer: Option A
3. Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard? 
A. Lothal
B. Kalibangan
C. Harappa
D. Mohenjo Daro
Answer: Option A

4. Which statement on the Harappan Civilization is correct? 
A. Horse sacrifice was known to them
B. Cow was sacred to them
C. Pashupati' was venerated by them
D. The culture was generally static
Answer: Option C

5. The Harappans did not know the use of 
A. Copper
B. Bronze
C. Gold
D. Iron
Answer: Option D

6. There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjo-
Daro and __________ 
A. Egypt
B. China
C. Sumeria
D. Afghanistan
Answer: Option C

7. What was the time period of Indus Civilization / Harappan 
A. 2400 BC - 1700 BC
B. 2500 BC - 1700 BC
C. 2400 BC - 1750 BC
D. 2500 BC - 1750 BC
Answer: Option D

8. The organic relationship between the ancient culture of the 
Indus Valley and Hinduism of today is proved by the worship 
A. Pashupati, Indra and the Mother Goddess
B. Stones, trees and animals
C. Vishnu and Lakshmi
D. Siva and Sakti
Answer: Option B

9. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which 
one indicates the commercial and economic development? 
A. The Pottery
B. Seals
C. The boats
D. The houses
Answer: Option B

10. The Harappas had commercial relations with __________ 
A. China
B. Jawa
C. Mesopotamia
D. Burma (Now, Myanmar)
Answer: Option C

11. The granary discovered at Harappa was located
A. Within the citadel at Mohenjodaro
B. In the "Lower town'
C. Near the river Ravi
D. Beside the western gate of the city
Answer: Option C

12. The Indus Valley Civilisation type was found in
A. Sumer
B. Egypt
C. China
D. All the three
Answer: Option D

13. The Indus Valley Civilization has been assigned the period
2500-1800 BC on the basis of
A. Mystical insight by modern seers
B. Markings on seals
C. Radio carbon dating
D. Travellers written accounts
Answer: Option C

14. The most common animal figure found at all the Harappan
sites is
A. unihorn bull
B. cow
C. bull
D. tiger
Answer: Option A

15. One of the following Indus Valley site is in Pakistan
A. Lothal
B. Kalibangan
C. Alamgirpur
D. Harappa
Answer: Option D

16. The Harappan civilizations do not have homogeneity or
uniformity in
A. Weights and measures
B. Cereal crops
C. Burial practices
D. Both (B) and (C)
Answer: Option C

17. The local name of Mohenjodaro is
A. Mound of the living
B. Mound of the tree
C. Mound of the dead
D. Mound of the survivor
Answer: Option C

18. Which was the only city of the Indus without fortification?
A. Kalibangan
B. Mohanjodaro
C. Harappa
D. Chanhudaro
Answer: Option D

19. Which of the following was common to both the Harappan
society and the Rigvedic society?
A. Horse
B. Female deities
C. Urban centres
D. Iron implements
Answer: Option A

20. Which among the following has not been found in the
excavation of Harappan sites?
A. Drains and well
B. Fort
C. Reservoirs
D. Temple with Shikhar
Answer: Option D

21. Which was the biggest building in Mohanjodaro?
A. Great Bath
B. Granary
C. Huge Hall
D. Two Story Building
Answer: Option B

22. Cereal(s) grown by the people of the Harappan Civilisation
A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Millet
D. All the above
Answer: Option D

23. Which of the following statements about the Harappan
people is incorrect?
A. The Harappans were phallus worshippers
B. They worshipped gods in the form of human beings
C. They placed their gods in temples
D. They looked upon the earth as a fertility goddess
Answer: Option C

24. Harappan weapons were made of
A. Stone
B. Copper
C. Bronze
D. All the above
Answer: Option D

25. Which is the correct chronology of the excavation of the site
in the Indus civilization?
I. Mohenjo-Daro
II. Chanhudaro
III. Harappa
IV. Lothal
A. III, I, II & IV
B. I, III, II & IV
C. II, I, III & IV
D. III, IV, II & I
Answer: Option A

26. The date of the Harappan Civilisation (2300-1750 BC) has
been fixed on the basis of
A. Pottery design
B. Stratification
C. Aryan invasion
D. Radio Carbon-14 dating
Answer: Option D

27. The first metal used by man was
A. Aluminium
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Silver
Answer: Option B

28. The Ruins of Harappa and Mohanjodaro were found on
which of the following river bank?
A. Ravi
B. Indus
C. Beas
D. A and B both
Answer: Option D

29. Kalibangan is situated in
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Sindh
C. Rajasthan
D. Gujarat
Answer: Option C

30. The utensils of the Indus Valley people were mainly made of
A. clay
B. copper
C. bronze
D. brass
Answer: Option A

31. The people of the Indus Valley civilization worshipped
A. Vishnu
B. Pashupati
C. Indra
D. Brahma
Answer: Option B

32. Mohenjo-Daro is situated in
A. Montgomery district
B. Larkana district
C. Chandigarh area
D. Gujarat
Answer: Option B

33. Name the oldest civilization
A. Indus Valley civilization
B. Mesopotamian civlization
C. Egyptian civilization
D. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
Answer: Option B

34. The Indus Valley civilisation can be said to belong to the
A. Paleolithic age
B. Primitive age
C. Neolithic age
D. Bronze age
Answer: Option D

35. Which was the only Indus city without a citadel?
A. Kalibangan
B. Harappa
C. Mohenjodaro
D. Chanhudaro
Answer: Option D

36. The script of the Indus Valley Civilization was
A. Dravidian
B. Persian
C. Sanskrit
D. Undecipherable
Answer: Option D

37. The archaeologist to initially discover the Mohenjo-Daro site
of the Indus Valley Civilization was
A. Sir John Marshall
B. Daya Ram Sahni
C. Sir Martimir Wheeler
D. Rakhal Das Banerji
Answer: Option D

38. The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was
A. Urban Civilization
B. Agrarian Civilization
C. Mesolithic Civilization
D. Paleolithic Civilization
Answer: Option A

39. The essential feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was
A. Worship of forces of nature
B. Organised city life
C. Pastoral farming
D. Caste society
Answer: Option B

40. Most depicted animal of the Indus Valley Civilization was?
A. Elephant
B. Lion
C. Bull
D. Dog
Answer: Option C

41. How were the streets of cities in Indus Valley Civilization?
A. Wide and Straight
B. Narrowand Unhygienic
C. Slippery
D. Narrow and Curved
Answer: Option A

42. Most of the large Harappan towns had for fortifications
which served the purpose of
A. safety from robbers
B. protection against cattle raiders
C. protection against floods
D. All the above
Answer: Option D

43. Which of the following materials was mainly used in the
manufacturing of Harappan seals?
A. Terracotta
B. Bronze
C. Copper
D. Iron
Answer: Option A

44. The town planning in the Harappan Civilisation was inspired
by a regard for
A. beauty and utility
B. uniformity
C. sanitation and public health
D. demographic factor
Answer: Option C

45. The people of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro culture belonged
to the
A. New Stone Age
B. Copper Age
C. Iron Age
D. Chalcolithic Age
Answer: Option D

46. The worship of Mother goddess was related
A. With the Aryan Civilization
B. With the Mediterranean Civilization
C. With the Indus Valley Civilization
D. With the Vedic Civilization
Answer: Option C

47. Which of the following animals was not known to the people
of Indus Valley Civilisation?
A. Horse
B. Cow
C. Giraffe
D. Elephant
Answer: Option C

48. Whose statue was an important creation of the people of
Indus Valley Civilization?
A. Natraj
B. Dancing Girl
C. Buddha
D. Narasimha
Answer: Option B

49. Which is the script of Indus Valley Civilization?
A. Tamil
B. Kharshthi
C. Unknown
D. Brahmi
Answer: Option C

50. Of the following scholars who was the first to discover the
traces of the Harappan Civilisation?
A. Sir John Marshall
B. RD Banerji
C. A Cunningham
D. Daya Ram Sahani
Answer: Option C

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